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CathNews, the most frequently visited Catholic website in Australia, is your daily news service featuring Catholics and Catholicism from home and around the world, Mass on Demand and on line, prayer, meditation, reflections, opinion, and reviews. And, what's more - it's free!

CathNews is a news aggregation newsletter service published Monday to Friday by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. The newsletter is available free of charge by email.

The governance of CathNews is overseen by the Permanent Committee of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. Editorial quality is maintained by the external Advisory Board of CathNews and is underpinned by approved Editorial Guidelines and Style Guide. Board members are: Jamie O’Brien (chair), David Ahern and Helen Delahunty.

The CathNews daily newsletter is sent out to 13,000 opt-in subscribers daily.For editorial matters, please contact the Editor, Rebecca Comini at [email protected] . You can write to CathNews at the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, GPO Box 368, Canberra ACT 2601.

Any technical issues with the CathNews website or eNewsletter, please contact us at [email protected]. For advertising enquiries or job submissions, please contact Paul Osborne at [email protected] or 02 6201 9859.